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We’re liberating the wrong party …. apparently

We're liberating the wrong party .... apparently

We’re liberating the wrong party …. apparently ….

Syrian rebels angry that strikes hit al Qaida ally but not Assad

Anti-government media activists and rebel commanders gave a mixed assessment of U.S.-led airstrikes in northern Syria on Tuesday, saying that some of the Islamic State encampments hit had been evacuated and one building that was struck had been filled with displaced civilians, even as at least one m…


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You can’t put a price tag on Liberation …

You can't put a price tag on Liberation ...

You can’t put a price tag on Liberation … Freedom isn’t free, it’s 1.5B / month …

The Campaign Against ISIL Could Cost $1.5B a Month

Key questions remain concerning targets, transitions and how to fund a sustained campaign against ISIL. By Janine Davidson and Emerson Brooking


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Blue Shield credited me the money they owed !!

Blue Shield credited me the money they owed !! It’s a glorious day !!

On a funnier note, yesterday when I called them I did ask the guy “What is the last day before I get to call you back and start yelling at you guys?”

“Thursday” he says ..

“Ok, so after Thursday, I get to call in and yell at everyone?”

“Yes,” he says ….

Yes ….~!


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Hahahahha, tooo funny

Hahahahha, tooo funny

Hahahahha, tooo funny …

This is the best way to quit a job ..

Karzai warns successors beware of US

Outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai uses his last speech in office to warn the new government to beware of the United States.


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We’re not bombing fast enough; the Air Force is…

We're not bombing fast enough; the Air Force is...

We’re not bombing fast enough; the Air Force is such a bunch of slackers .. Algeria just beheaded a French citizen .. The French helped us bomb Iraq .. We need to help them bomb Algeria .. Let’s get started with the Algerian Liberation !!!

French Hostage in Algeria Is Beheaded in New Video

Hervé Gourdel, who was seized on Sunday by a group aligned with the Islamic State, was seen beheaded in a video circulated online on Wednesday.


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This is VHT, the Vanguard Healthcare Index ETF. …

This is VHT, the Vanguard Healthcare Index ETF. ...

This is VHT, the Vanguard Healthcare Index ETF. From the time Obamacare passed in 2010 until today, the index went from $40 to $120. Even though all sectors went up for the most part, Healthcare surpassed the other sectors by far (In fact I owned it during this period because I’m not dumb).

So keep this chart in mind the next time you want to hate on greedy insurance companies (or any greed for that matter); it was with your tender loving care and support for Obamacare that the Insurance companies managed to have such a wonderfully greedy time …

You don’t incentivize lower costs, less profit, and better coverage by mandating a 100% customer base for an insurance company; that is literally the textbook definition of a monopoly power. Once you have a guaranteed customer base, the question becomes “How much can we extract before they grab the pitchforks”.

Governments create monopolies; and the public’s support for Government policies create wealth for the 1% — learn something …


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So 2 weeks later, Blue Shield still hasn’t refunded…

So 2 weeks later, Blue Shield still hasn’t refunded me my money despite the fact that they said “7-10 business days”. I get to call them once again.


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Even George W. Bush had a coalition of European…

Even George W. Bush had a coalition of European countries to help him bomb Iraq … Give the man a Nobel Peace prize …


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The F-22 finally gets to bomb somebody … it’s…

The F-22 finally gets to bomb somebody ... it's...

The F-22 finally gets to bomb somebody … it’s fun all around 😀

Stealth Fighters Make Combat Debut as U.S. Bombs Syria

American and allied forces target Islamic State


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In a B-2 [and drone] world, the B-1, doesn’t…

In a B-2 [and drone] world, the B-1, doesn’t get enough love …
