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Don’t just apologize .. Give me back my health…

Don't just apologize .. Give me back my health...

Don’t just apologize .. Give me back my health plan ..

Obama: “I’m Sorry” About Americans Who Are Losing Current Health Plans |

“We hear them” and “we are going to do everything we can,” he added


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Looks like Launchy was causing insane disk i/o …

Looks like Launchy was causing insane disk i/o .. and here I thought I needed an SSD, silly me …


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For a while I thought I must be getting…

For a while I thought I must be getting old; my hearing was getting bad. But I’ve been reminded; on-board sound cards are junk.


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Making health insurance cheaper, one fee at a time…

Making health insurance cheaper, one fee at a time...

Making health insurance cheaper, one fee at a time …


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— First it asks me for my SSN, ok…

-- First it asks me for my SSN, ok...

— First it asks me for my SSN, ok no big deal.
— Then it asks me if I’m a U.S. Citizen … Ok …
— Then it asks me if I’m a “naturalized” citizen .. ok, way to make me feel like a foreigner, but fuck you, whatever …
— And then it asks me for the document type …

That’s as far as I got …

I’m a fucking citizen you fucking Nazis .. First you take away my health insurance to pay for baby boomers who were too fucking stupid to save their own money, then you force me into this “exchange”, and now you ask me these disrespectful questions? I’ve never despised socialist liberals as much as I do today .. Fuck you and your poor people and your old people and your children ..

I did not ask to be a part of your statist agenda .. leave me the fuck alone ..


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I can’t do it, spotify’s audio quality is so…

I can’t do it, spotify’s audio quality is so awful; all i hear are my ears bleeding.


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The Truth About Obamacare

The Truth About Obamacare

The Truth About Obamacare

Obamacare facts explained by Stefan Molyneux. A comprehensive look at the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and it’s implementation. Freedom…


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Finished watching Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing

Finished watching Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing


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I’ll recognize this composer anywhere

I'll recognize this composer anywhere

I’ll recognize this composer anywhere …

Kara no Kyoukai Mirai Fukuin Trailer

Update: The wraparound jacket band on the third volume of Tenkuu Sphere’s Kara no Kyoukai: the Garden of sinners manga lists a September release date for the…
