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I’m down to 89 friends. It’s not as easy…

I’m down to 89 friends. It’s not as easy as it looks.


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Apparently, I used to write in riddles; I wonder…

Apparently, I used to write in riddles; I wonder, did anyone ever understand what I wrote? ~~~

Am I getting old?
03.Fri.25.Jul – 02:06 AM
Rarely do I listen to Trance. Never do I listen to GOA. Why? Have I slowe down? Have I gone the way of Straight Cougar? It finally hit me in the heart; it truly is a recession.
Nevertheless there is always hope; Keep Hope Alive they said. The new albums may have let me down, but the old ones are still there for me.
But it is not like me to support those that support the evils. I’m sorry but It was your decision.
What hasn’t yet sold out? Aside from Massive Attack, there is Morcheeba.
But I’m not worried, the rest have always been faithful and will return to me.


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LOL; look what I found ~~~

LOL; look what I found ~~~

August 15th, 2003 12:04 pm – Not really an update

It disappoints me what you say. “Though I came up in it, I’m not defined by it”. That which you came up in made you a god; and now what? Do you think you’ll keep that title by producing pop-synch garbage? It was an amazing success when your mentor pulled this stunt; was it his luck or his skill in that field, for he was never a great trance artist? But you, BT, you are no Oakenfold, for your strengths lie where you came up. It’s true, you were a god, and communicate is the proof, but it is your skills that told me to call you by that title, not my fandom. I don’t hear those skills anymore; all I hear is synth-pop crap.

There was Flaming June, a time when I thought the CD was scratched, and yet found out it was purposely made to sound so ‘different’. It was such a unique thing you did; removing the bass from the bass and inverting the sound. And of course your success came from Jan Johnston, who is the only reason Communicate works, and Remember; but should I praise Jan over you Brian? Don’t get me wrong, you’ve had some successes, such as Tao of the Machine; mixing hip hop with techno was a pretty good idea, but I feel you’ve stepped further and further into the opposite direction of electronic.

Your track is now featured on KIIS FM; the worst of them all; not to mention that they got the title wrong. You’re just another pop artist now BT; not a God anymore. I would never pay for an album on which only 2 tracks are worth listening to.


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My favorite adventure time episode, simon and marcy, is…

My favorite adventure time episode, simon and marcy, is now playing 🙂


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If the White House allows Apple to infringe upon…

If the White House allows Apple to infringe upon...

If the White House allows Apple to infringe upon Samsung’s intellectual property, who are they to tell me not to infringe upon intellectual property by downloading it?

Oh that’s right, they’re the government … Breaking laws that they so desperately attempt to convince the public are not only justified but ethical …

White House overrules ITC trade ban on Apple iPhones, iPads

In a rare step, the White House on Saturday overturned a decision by a trade agency that would have banned Apple from importing several of its older products.,0,6108292.story


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Spotify’s music quality is muddled

Spotify’s music quality is muddled ..


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First time playing Skyrim; the townspeople attacked me because…

First time playing Skyrim; the townspeople attacked me because I attacked a chicken … really?


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First movie on the new setup, Hugo

First movie on the new setup, Hugo

First movie on the new setup, Hugo.


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That state of mind that leaves behind a muddling…

That state of mind that leaves behind a muddling cloud of doubts.


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Air Conditioning + Ceiling Fan = Win!

Air Conditioning + Ceiling Fan = Win!
