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Taliban captured Puli Alam, Logar, the seventeenth provincial capital…

Taliban captured Puli Alam, Logar, the seventeenth provincial capital to fall.

There were clashes, including airstrikes, deaths. The governor eventually surrendered.


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Prisoners held in Puli Alam, Logar were also freed…

Prisoners held in Puli Alam, Logar were also freed by Taliban.


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300,000 soldiers on paper is not 300,000 soldiers in…

300,000 soldiers on paper is not 300,000 soldiers in...

300,000 soldiers on paper is not 300,000 soldiers in reality.

But if the Americans are dumb enough to pay for the salaries of 300,000 paper soldiers, then you take that money and keep your mouth shut, maybe buy a nice house with it.


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Doha statement on Afghanistan

Doha statement on Afghanistan

Doha statement on Afghanistan.


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The twenty year War in Afghanistan could have ended…

The twenty year War in Afghanistan could have ended in a stalemate, but Joe Biden ensured that America was soundly defeated.


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I told the truth, but was ignored or worse…

I told the truth, but was ignored or worse. Instead they left likes on and shared the dumbest fake news posts and participated in asinine social media campaigns. Then they say they want decent people to rise in their corrupt little societies. Lol, no they don’t, they want lies. That’s OK, societies are overrated. I will continue to do what I will continue to do.


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Afghan boomers need to turn off Kabul fake news…

Afghan boomers need to turn off Kabul fake news, Ghani propaganda networks.


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Ismail Khan either captured by or surrendered to the…

Ismail Khan either captured by or surrendered to the...

Ismail Khan either captured by or surrendered to the Taliban.

The original reports said ANA 207th Zafar Corps captured him and handed him over to the Taliban who then placed him under house arrest. This looks too friendly to be that though, and he still has a firearm at his side, so I’m not sure.

In any case, he’s not dead.


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ANA 207th Zafar Corps of Herat routed, surrendered to…

ANA 207th Zafar Corps of Herat routed, surrendered to Taliban.


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Taliban captured Tarinkot, Uruzgan, the sixteenth provincial capital to…

Taliban captured Tarinkot, Uruzgan, the sixteenth provincial capital to fall.

It was a negotiated transfer of power, mediated by tribal elders.
