Taliban captured a Russian Mi-35 Hind attack helicopter at the Kunduz airfield. It looks non-operational, but with a few parts, and some elbow grease, Taliban will soon have their own air force.
Tag: 2021 Taliban offensive
The 2021 Taliban offensive and events leading up to it.
Taliban captured Kunduz airfield
Taliban captured Kunduz airfield.
ANDSF at the Kunduz airfield surrendering to Taliban.
The Afghan government Ministry of Interior released this video of ANA at the Kunduz airfield being defiant approximately a day before they surrendered to the Taliban. I’ve said it before, the Kabul government was not, likely never was, a serious player.
Taliban asked airlines to suspend flights to Tarinkot, Uruzgan.
I’ve been posting dire Taliban content for over a month now, most of it ignored. The dummies finally started posting hashtags and awareness content about it, ineffectual but something. Lol, Democrats are as sleepy as their sleepy president, but better late than never, I guess.
Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff resistance in Herat.
In late 2012, the Government of Afghanistan accused Ismail Khan of illegally distributing weapons to his supporters, accusing him of attempting to create disruption in the country. Ismail Khan stated Kabul can not protect distant parts of the country, and called on his supporters to take up arms and reactivate militias to defend the country against the Taliban.
Now he’s a national hero again.
NY Times.
Kabul was not pleased, and Ismail Khan hasn’t held a Kabul government position since 2013.
The gun and militia control socialists desperately in love with centralized government are now writing beautiful articles about Ismail Khan, the Lion of Herat. They should instead spend some time studying the second amendment.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
Sami Sadat of Lashkargah appointed commander of Special Operations Command Corps.
ANA 217th Pamir Corps of Kunduz routed, surrendered to Taliban.
Democrats are wasting their time lobbying Biden and the UN to sanction Pakistan, it won’t happen, and would achieve little if it did. If they were intelligent, which they’re not, they would leverage the Republican effort to draw attention to Biden’s obvious dementia to remove (or threaten to remove) Biden from office so Kamala can take over, who, given her Hillary Clinton-esque personality and her brand of caring about women’s issues, would be more likely to reverse course and recommit American forces to Afghanistan.