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I don’t know why they insist on lying so…

I don't know why they insist on lying so...

I don’t know why they insist on lying so much, but aside from that being way too much firepower for their little Super Tucano mosquitos to put out, Ministry of Defense offered a 7 year old video as evidence.

Here’s the original from May 30, 2014 still on YouTube.

Afghans were lied to like this incessantly for twenty years not only by Kabul, but by Kabul friendly propaganda news networks.

Fake it, ’til you make it, I guess.


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Too bad

Too bad

Too bad.

Trump comments on Afghanistan, too bad is right.


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Ghani betrayed by Pelosi and Biden. Oops. The end

Ghani betrayed by Pelosi and Biden. Oops. The end

Ghani betrayed by Pelosi and Biden. Oops. The end.

Biden rejected Ghani, withdrawal not up for debate.


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Biden’s people telling him to remain

Biden's people telling him to remain

Biden’s people telling him to remain.

The national security establishment is lobbying Biden hard to remain in Afghanistan another twenty years.


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Biden not thinking at all, actually

Biden not thinking at all, actually.

Biden doesn’t have the dynamic intelligence needed to extricate himself creatively.


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Biden not thinking clearly

Biden not thinking clearly.

Biden extending Afghanistan withdrawal through fighting season will get more killed.


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Taliban promised a response

Taliban promised a response.

Biden statement violates 5/1 deadline, will begin withdrawal on 5/1, not by 5/1.


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Biden did not withdraw by May 1st

Biden did not withdraw by May 1st.

Taliban threaten to restart fighting US forces if Biden does not withdraw by May 1.


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Nancy Pelosi’s people saying Doha is dead

Nancy Pelosi’s people saying Doha is dead.

Chairman of House Armed Services Committee says Biden will stay in Afghanistan.


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Biden was not smarter than that

Biden was not smarter than that

Biden was not smarter than that.

People with vested interests and the dramatic continue to point to the level of violence in Afghanistan in 2020 as evidence that the peace process is not working. The Biden administration is now using that argument to throw wrenches into the process.

While no one should be satisfied with any level of violence, what people with agendas continue to fail to mention is that the level of violence in 2020, while high, dropped 21% compared to 2019. That is an improvement over what preceded it.

Peace processes are messy as power players jockey for position to assert leverage over one another. That became even more true after Trump lost the election as it became apparent to the Taliban that they lost a major piece on the board, hence the uptick in violence in anticipation of a Biden administration.

If Biden wants the US to remain in Afghanistan, he’ll add time to the board, but it will end the same, albeit more slowly and with additional violence. I hope he’s smarter than that.
