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“More important, though, is that both Krugman and politicians…

“More important, though, is that both Krugman and politicians from both parties are much too concerned about job creation when they should be concerned about value creation. Creating jobs is easy; it’s creating value that’s hard. We could create millions of jobs quite easily by destroying every piece of machinery on U.S. farms. The question is whether we are actually better off by creating those jobs—and the answer is a definite no. We want labor-saving, job-destroying technology because it creates value by enabling us to produce things at lower cost and thereby free up labor for more urgent uses.”


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LOL, this is how you interview for a job…

LOL, this is how you interview for a job...

LOL, this is how you interview for a job ..


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My TODO list presented in a visual spatial format…

My TODO list presented in a visual spatial format...

My TODO list presented in a visual spatial format .. 🙂


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I just finished watching this movie

I just finished watching this movie

I just finished watching this movie.

The Time that Remains (2009)

Directed by Elia Suleiman. With Ali Suliman, Saleh Bakri, Elia Suleiman, Menashe Noy. An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day.


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Bear Falls from Tree

A bear falls from a tree after being darted by wildlife officers at the University of Colorado at Boulder.


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Amazon is just awesome

Amazon is just awesome … The Hardware Store for Researchers and Developers

Set Screws, Music Wire, Tungsten Wire, Wire Cutters, O-Rings and Hypodermic Tubing are some of the tools, parts and materials you can find at, The Hardware Store For Researchers and Developers.


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Last battle before I broke 5000 bp

Last battle before I broke 5000 bp

Last battle before I broke 5000 bp.


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Worst Akuma ever. I hate Akuma’s soundtrack so much

Worst Akuma ever. I hate Akuma's soundtrack so much

Worst Akuma ever. I hate Akuma’s soundtrack so much.


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When I watch Youtube, my 20 megabit connection feels…

When I watch Youtube, my 20 megabit connection feels like my old US Robotics 56k X2 modem …
