Intuit, the turbo tax company, bought Mint. 😀 Less competition for me.
Who do you bank with?
Who do you bank with?
Monkey Peanuts
I’ve opened up a Dell laptop, a Motion Computing tablet, and a Fujitsu tablet. Let me just say that the Fujitsu tablet is built like a work of art ..
The machines are coming
The machines are coming ..
High-Speed Robot Hand
Ishikawa Komuro Lab’s high-speed robot hand performing impressive acts of dexterity and skillful manipulation. For more information, see —
Obama said to stop embarrassing yourselves on facebook, or else you won’t get a job!!
latest screenshots of monkeypeanuts .. i’m going to add an ajax based inline search for finding your transactions .. and fix up some logic for the targets ..
$1000 gold .. Be aware, things are getting rough again ..
In Obama we wanted Google, instead, we got Yahoo! lol